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Underground Comix

Chris and I collected UG comix in the 1970's and early 80's, just because we loved 'em so much. Now that we're old farts, we never look at them anymore. So they sit languishing in their Mylitetm sleeves up on a shelf in the back bedroom. You would think that the value of these things would have really taken off over the intervening years, considering their extremely low print runs and poor "survivorship". But they are apparently too obscure and nobody really appreciates them anymore -- other than a handful of collectors who hoard them -- like us!  Click on the link below to see a complete index of our UGs.  It will take a while to load.  There are a total of over 800 titles.

"All property is theft..."


  Underground Index (A-G) 

  Underground Index (H-Q) 

  Underground Index (R-Z) 

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Rick Griffin did the cover art for Changes 3, above.  As in a lot of the earlier UGs, there is no copyright notice at all to be found inside it.  These guys were definitely working in a different plane of existence from the rest of us...


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